We followed up with Jesus. He read the chapter in El Libro de Mormon that we left him. He understood it very well. A prophet was explaining the importance of baptism. The prophet compared the importance to Jesus Christ. Baptism is for the remission of sins. Jesus was the only one to walk the earth a sinless man. So why did He get baptized? Yes He didn't need to be baptized but He did to fulfill all righteousness. He obeyed the commandment God has given. What an example to have! What more need we to be baptized being sinners! Jesus, our friend, also told us that he had prayed about the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon. He said he felt good as he prayed. He felt peaceful. He said he had a very unusual dream. He later looked up in a book the meanings of the things that took place in his dream. He told us that all the things in his dream represented positive things. We continued to help him understand his answer that he received from God. I also had told him the last time that I was going to share with him the experience I had praying. I grew up knowing about the book. I also had the opportunity to know of other religions. During my youth I was invited by friends to attend their churches. I respect everyone that wants to worship the Lord their God. When I was about fourteen years old I decided that I wanted to pray to God the Eternal Father. I wanted to specifically ask Him if the Book of Mormon came from Him. If it was His book with His words written by true prophets. I wanted to know if it was true. I found a quiet place to kneel myself down before my God. I offered a prayer or as we understand what prayer is I talked with my Heavenly Father. Knowing that He is a loving God and answers prayers I didn't have a doubt that He would answer mine. As I prayed I felt good. I felt calm. Their was no reason in that moment to not have peace. I finished my question and prayer to the Almighty. I thought to myself and wondered if I had received my answer. I had always known the Book of Mormon was true but I wanted to have that confirmation by the Holy Ghost. I was unsure. It wasn't that I doubted but I wanted to know I was following the Savior Jesus Christ in the right path and the right church. I decided to pray again. As I prayed I felt the same feelings along with the same good thoughts that came to my mind. I don't remember exactly how many times I prayed because as the days followed I prayed and asked my God again if the book was true. Every time I felt the same . . .
There is a part in the Book of Mormon that I now share with all my friends that pray to their God for an answer and are unsure or don't realize they received it. It is a part that takes place right before Jesus Christ visits the people in the Americas. The people are gathered around and talk amongst themselves. Meanwhile they hear a voice. A voice that penetrates them to the very soul. Even though the voice wasn't loud or strong but yet soft and pieced them to the most profound in their hearts. The scriptures go on to tell us that the people didn't understand what it said. So you know, it was the voice of God! The people heard this voice that came from the heavens for the second time. They still didn't understand what it was saying. Then they heard it for the third time and understood! We get to read the words of God Himself saying, "Behold my Beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased, in whom I have glorified my name-hear ye him." How incredible is it to be able to read the words of our God! The thing I find interesting is this: What did God say the first and second time when the people didn't understand Him? The answer is that I don't know and can only imagine that He could have said what they heard the third time. Then why didn't they understand the first two times?
. . . As I am but yet a bit older and wiser I understand more and more what took place so many years ago. God did answer my prayer and my question about the Book of Mormon. He sent the Holy Ghost to testify to me of the truth. The scriptures tell us that through our feelings and thoughts will the Holy Ghost tell us the truth of all things. Almost a decade ago I had feelings of peace and comfort letting me know that the book was true. Every time I prayed and asked I received the same answer from my Father in Heaven. I just didn't fully understand the first time what He was telling me. I now realize that I DID receive my answer the very first time I prayed and asked. Just as the people who heard God's voice testifying of Jesus Christ. I am so grateful that my Father in Heaven answers prayers. He told me that everything would be alright. I knew that day that I was on the right path. Nine years later and here I am. I get to share with others what their God wants them to know. I now get to help my friend, Jesus, to understand his answer he has received from God. He told us in the visit, "The Book of Mormon is true." That night when I went home I gave thanks to my Maker for the words I heard and witnessed. I now continue with my friend to help him understand something else just as important if not more and I hope to share with everyone what that is next week . . .