Happy Birthday!! David (Oct 23) JC (Oct 24) Frank (OCt 28) Toni (Oct 31)
Lindsey (Nov 1) Espero que hayan tenido un dia lindo y hermoso!!
Jesús came to church again! I had to direct the sacrament meeting again and so I couldn´t sit with him. Members without me asking just sat by him:) In Gospel Principles class the chapter was over baptism. It couldn´t have gone any better! There were others there for the first time and everyone couldn´t have missed the importance of baptism. We answered the questions of Who needs to be baptized? Why do we need to be baptized? How we should be baptized according to the example of the Savior? Under what authority is baptism made valid in the eyes of God? and more questions that others had. If someone has been baptized incorrectly or even if it was correctly done but from someone that didn´t have the authority given to them from God then they can be baptized the right way with the correct authority. I love the fact that Jesus Christ searched for John the Baptist because he had the authority to baptize and was called of God. What an example! Everyone left that class having felt the Spirit testify of the importance of baptism by imersion for the remission of sins. I love my God´s plan for me and for all the people in the world. When we visited our friend, Jesùs, this week we talked about keeeping the Sabbath Day holy. After he asked if we could make a copy of the Ten Commandments for him from the Bible. I decided to not make a copy for him but find a nice copy of Los Diez Mandamientos and then found a frame for them. I figured he deserves to have them up on his wall in his home because of what he had said in the visit. The reason he wanted them was because, ¨I want a copy of them so I know what they are so I can follow them.¨ I was super impressed! So many people are learing about the truth. They are learning about the Gospel of Jesus Christ. They are accepting it. They are having to change their lives. For they knew not what was right in the eyes of God but have come to the knowledge and come into the light. I know the Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ is the Gospel of Jesus Christ that has been since the foundation of the world. What a blessing to know of it and accept it as it is in the world we live. It goes througthout the world as I type. It is circling the globe. It is filling the earth. The Father is happy as we humble ourselves and accept His Son Jesus Christ. As I have lived I have met so many people that believe in the Son of God. It makes me happy to know this. My happiness goes through the roof when those take their belief and learn the teaching of Jesus the Christ. I thank all those who have accepted His teachings by following them. Now I don´t know how much happier I can be but I know I can as those keep enduring to the end or in other words those of my friends that never loose sight of what they have found and accepted. For my frineds that have been baptized like Jesus and by the proper authority may you continue in that path for there is so much more that is waiting for you. Of this I promise, Elder Rodriguez