Monday, October 27, 2008

Accept the truth and you´ll find a life that has been waiting for you

Happy Birthday!! David (Oct 23) JC (Oct 24) Frank (OCt 28) Toni (Oct 31)
Lindsey (Nov 1) Espero que hayan tenido un dia lindo y hermoso!!

Jesús came to church again! I had to direct the sacrament meeting again and so I couldn´t sit with him. Members without me asking just sat by him:) In Gospel Principles class the chapter was over baptism. It couldn´t have gone any better! There were others there for the first time and everyone couldn´t have missed the importance of baptism. We answered the questions of Who needs to be baptized? Why do we need to be baptized? How we should be baptized according to the example of the Savior? Under what authority is baptism made valid in the eyes of God? and more questions that others had. If someone has been baptized incorrectly or even if it was correctly done but from someone that didn´t have the authority given to them from God then they can be baptized the right way with the correct authority. I love the fact that Jesus Christ searched for John the Baptist because he had the authority to baptize and was called of God. What an example! Everyone left that class having felt the Spirit testify of the importance of baptism by imersion for the remission of sins. I love my God´s plan for me and for all the people in the world. When we visited our friend, Jesùs, this week we talked about keeeping the Sabbath Day holy. After he asked if we could make a copy of the Ten Commandments for him from the Bible. I decided to not make a copy for him but find a nice copy of Los Diez Mandamientos and then found a frame for them. I figured he deserves to have them up on his wall in his home because of what he had said in the visit. The reason he wanted them was because, ¨I want a copy of them so I know what they are so I can follow them.¨ I was super impressed! So many people are learing about the truth. They are learning about the Gospel of Jesus Christ. They are accepting it. They are having to change their lives. For they knew not what was right in the eyes of God but have come to the knowledge and come into the light. I know the Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ is the Gospel of Jesus Christ that has been since the foundation of the world. What a blessing to know of it and accept it as it is in the world we live. It goes througthout the world as I type. It is circling the globe. It is filling the earth. The Father is happy as we humble ourselves and accept His Son Jesus Christ. As I have lived I have met so many people that believe in the Son of God. It makes me happy to know this. My happiness goes through the roof when those take their belief and learn the teaching of Jesus the Christ. I thank all those who have accepted His teachings by following them. Now I don´t know how much happier I can be but I know I can as those keep enduring to the end or in other words those of my friends that never loose sight of what they have found and accepted. For my frineds that have been baptized like Jesus and by the proper authority may you continue in that path for there is so much more that is waiting for you. Of this I promise, Elder Rodriguez

Now that we know, What do we do?

. . . {"We invite all men everywhere to read the Book of Mormon, to ponder in their hearts the message it contains, and then to ask God, the Eternal Father, in the name of Christ if the book is true. Those who pursue this course and ask in faith will gain a testimony of its truth and divinity by the power of the Holy Ghost. (See Moroni 10: 3-5.)"}
. . . There are only two possibilities. The Book of Mormon is either true or not. Once you find out for yourself that the Book is true you come to know three other facts . . .
. . . "Those who gain this divine witness from the Holy Spirit will also come to know by the same power that Jesus Christ is the Savior of the world, that Joseph Smith is his revelator and prophet in these last days, and that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the Lord’s kingdom once again established on the earth, preparatory to the second coming of the Messiah."
So what does one do when they know that the book is true? They have received an answer from God and He expects them to continue on so He may give unto them more knowledge. I know the book is true. I also know that Jesus Christ is the Savior of the World. I know that Joseph Smith was a prophet of God. I know that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is God's Church on the earth today for all to prepare for that great day. I am grateful to know these truths and so I show it by my actions. I continue to read the book. I continue to go to church every week. I continue to pray to my Heavenly Father. I show Him what He expects of me for the answer He has given me. Here is an example that helps me to understand. If the kitchen caught fire I could call the fire department to ask what to do. They would then give me the answer to put it out with water. I hang up the phone and have two options (1) I could have the answer and do nothing. That would result in the kitchen burning and probably the entire house. OR (2) I could use the answer given me and put out the fire. What does it serve us to know the answer if we are not willing to do anything with it?
I won't share with everyone everything I have read about the life of Jesus but I want to briefly explain one thing. As He walked the earth He casted out many devils and evil spirits out of people. Before He performed the miracles the devils had something to say each time. They testified of Him, "I know thee who thou art, the Holy One of God." (Mark 1:24,25; Luke 4:34,35)
And Jesus rebuked him, saying, "Hold thy peace, and come out of him."
In the New Testament in the Book of James we read, "Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble."
So in relating these instances of history I have to ask the question . . . What makes us different from the devils? They know of Jesus as the Christ as well as all the believers in the world. They have given their testimony. Have we even done this much? The things we do can differentiate us from them that tremble. Even as my friend, Jesús, has done. We taught him the plan of salvation or also know as the plan of happiness. It is the plan that God has shared with all his children and answers the questions like, Where do we come from? Why are we here? And Where are we going? And more. He believed without a doubt as he saw the plan come together. He said, "It is perfect!" We taught him from the Book of Mormon and the Holy Bible the plan God has for him and all the people in the world. Jesús, our friend, has showed his faith in the Book of Mormon by action. He came to Church on Sunday and absorbed every word spoken. He continues to read in the Book of Mormon. He continues to pray to God, his Heavenly Father. He has done things that now makes him different from the ones that just say, "I believe in God" " I believe in Jesus Christ" but stop there. He is not to be classified with the devils. His decision to pray about the Book of Mormon and receive an answer from God has blessed him to know those three things spoken of above. I feel blessed to be here in Spain. To be an instrument in the hands of my God and the God of all. To not only teach someone about The Book of Mormon but to help one to continue in his faith of the truth. Jesus Christ has said, "Yea rather, blessed are they that hear the word of God, and keep it."

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

How to know for ourselves the Book of Mormon is Ture

We followed up with Jesus. He read the chapter in El Libro de Mormon that we left him. He understood it very well. A prophet was explaining the importance of baptism. The prophet compared the importance to Jesus Christ. Baptism is for the remission of sins. Jesus was the only one to walk the earth a sinless man. So why did He get baptized? Yes He didn't need to be baptized but He did to fulfill all righteousness. He obeyed the commandment God has given. What an example to have! What more need we to be baptized being sinners! Jesus, our friend, also told us that he had prayed about the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon. He said he felt good as he prayed. He felt peaceful. He said he had a very unusual dream. He later looked up in a book the meanings of the things that took place in his dream. He told us that all the things in his dream represented positive things. We continued to help him understand his answer that he received from God. I also had told him the last time that I was going to share with him the experience I had praying. I grew up knowing about the book. I also had the opportunity to know of other religions. During my youth I was invited by friends to attend their churches. I respect everyone that wants to worship the Lord their God. When I was about fourteen years old I decided that I wanted to pray to God the Eternal Father. I wanted to specifically ask Him if the Book of Mormon came from Him. If it was His book with His words written by true prophets. I wanted to know if it was true. I found a quiet place to kneel myself down before my God. I offered a prayer or as we understand what prayer is I talked with my Heavenly Father. Knowing that He is a loving God and answers prayers I didn't have a doubt that He would answer mine. As I prayed I felt good. I felt calm. Their was no reason in that moment to not have peace. I finished my question and prayer to the Almighty. I thought to myself and wondered if I had received my answer. I had always known the Book of Mormon was true but I wanted to have that confirmation by the Holy Ghost. I was unsure. It wasn't that I doubted but I wanted to know I was following the Savior Jesus Christ in the right path and the right church. I decided to pray again. As I prayed I felt the same feelings along with the same good thoughts that came to my mind. I don't remember exactly how many times I prayed because as the days followed I prayed and asked my God again if the book was true. Every time I felt the same . . .
There is a part in the Book of Mormon that I now share with all my friends that pray to their God for an answer and are unsure or don't realize they received it. It is a part that takes place right before Jesus Christ visits the people in the Americas. The people are gathered around and talk amongst themselves. Meanwhile they hear a voice. A voice that penetrates them to the very soul. Even though the voice wasn't loud or strong but yet soft and pieced them to the most profound in their hearts. The scriptures go on to tell us that the people didn't understand what it said. So you know, it was the voice of God! The people heard this voice that came from the heavens for the second time. They still didn't understand what it was saying. Then they heard it for the third time and understood! We get to read the words of God Himself saying, "Behold my Beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased, in whom I have glorified my name-hear ye him." How incredible is it to be able to read the words of our God! The thing I find interesting is this: What did God say the first and second time when the people didn't understand Him? The answer is that I don't know and can only imagine that He could have said what they heard the third time. Then why didn't they understand the first two times?
. . . As I am but yet a bit older and wiser I understand more and more what took place so many years ago. God did answer my prayer and my question about the Book of Mormon. He sent the Holy Ghost to testify to me of the truth. The scriptures tell us that through our feelings and thoughts will the Holy Ghost tell us the truth of all things. Almost a decade ago I had feelings of peace and comfort letting me know that the book was true. Every time I prayed and asked I received the same answer from my Father in Heaven. I just didn't fully understand the first time what He was telling me. I now realize that I DID receive my answer the very first time I prayed and asked. Just as the people who heard God's voice testifying of Jesus Christ. I am so grateful that my Father in Heaven answers prayers. He told me that everything would be alright. I knew that day that I was on the right path. Nine years later and here I am. I get to share with others what their God wants them to know. I now get to help my friend, Jesus, to understand his answer he has received from God. He told us in the visit, "The Book of Mormon is true." That night when I went home I gave thanks to my Maker for the words I heard and witnessed. I now continue with my friend to help him understand something else just as important if not more and I hope to share with everyone what that is next week . . .

Monday, October 6, 2008


I don´t know where to even begin this time. I want to share with everyone so many wonderful things that have happened. I have to say before I start that anyone that can´t see the Lord´s hand in all of this work is blind. It was said in General Conference that even a child would understand the truth of the God Head from the scriptures about the baptism of the Savior than doctors of the scriptures. I have seen enough miracles to know that God doesn´t leave us alone. I get to be a part of so many that I can´t deny them. I have no doubt of the truth. Last week I got to do cambios with the elders in my piso. I went with Elder Castellon who is a new missionary. We did a lot of contacting in the streets. As we walked I saw someone across the street. He approached us and asked, ¨Where is the church?¨ We told him where and what time the meetings started. He told us that he is a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. His mom and family are members. He is from the Dominican Republic. He only has been in Leon for two months. He has a wife and a five year old daugther. He came to church last Sunday. He has a very friendly personality and gets along well with others. He lives in the other elders area. They visited him during the week. While at his house was just the start of the miracles. He took a hold of his phone and started to call everyone he knew. For only being in Leon for two months he sure does know a lot of people! He started talking to his friends on the phone and told them, ¨Hey look, I have two friends over. They are missionaries of the Church of Jesus Christ. When can you set some time aside to meet with them?¨ Melqui even made sure to tell his friends that, ¨You better be there when you say you will. The have a lot of important work to do and they can´t afford to waste time.¨ His friends understood very clearly that if they say they can visit with the missionaries that they will be there. The elders ended up visiting many of his friends. Melqui was able to be present in all the visits. He is has not been able to find work for two months now. He told the elders that if he can´t find work he trusts in the Lord that all will be okay. He figures that the Lord wants him to be a part of His great work if he can´t find work. How much faith does that show! The elders had such a great week. They had so many visits and so many new people to teach. I take down the numbers of all the missionaries in the entire zone. They had numbers that probably haven´t been reached in Leon for years! It was all because of one member and the faith he has in his God. All his friends respect him with a respect many would like to have. His nickname is Melqui but many also know him as El Predicador! So much is happening in the Work of the Lord. I am so lucky to be a part of it. I pray that I may choose to always be a part of it as I have made that decision in my life already. We taught Jesus and everything went better than I could have imagined. I can´t wait to teach him again this week. I got to go to Gijon this week and see the Prophet of the World and the Apostles of God talk to all that live. What a blessing we all have to live in a day with living prophets and apostles called of God to serve us. We are not alone. I know we are guided by God through His servents the prophets down to local leaders of the Church. I feel like I could share endless stories with everyone. I have recently met people that believe in God. I have seen their beliefs turned into action(faith). I have then seen miracles being literally poured down from heaven from a loving God. I realize that I can´t share all I know to be true with everyone. I only get an hour on the computer once a week. What I am sure of is that everyone can have their own experiences for themselves. They can be a part of the family of God on this Earth! They can tell their own stories of miracles to others so that all may come to believe. I believe in miracles. I believe in a God. The God of us all. I believe in His Son Jesus Christ. The Holy Ghost has born witness to me of this. No matter where I am in the world I love you all and think of you often. Elder Rodriguez