Tuesday, September 2, 2008
I have had a great week up till now. Things are changing for the better in the Zone. People have recently accepted to follow the Savior´s example and be baptized. Elder Marin and I taught a guy for the second time on Sunday. His name is Domingo. He was very strong in his beliefs the first visit. He wasn´t afraid to mention several times the traditions he follows from his parents. He is already older and has five kids. There was a reason why we obtained a second visit with him. In the first visit we only taught him about who God really is and why God has us in families. Before we left he understood more about the Almight God and saw Him as a loving Heavenly Father. He also understood that God has blessed him in his life to have a family and that God does so much for us all personally. There was one thing he quite didn´t understand but knew he wanted to know more. It was the Spirit he felt because he said that there was something about our presence that was bringing him to listen to us. The second visit yesterday we talked about Prophets God calls and the One Church Christ established while on the earth. He understood the Great Apostasy and saw a need for some order. We had discussed before that God is a God of order and not confusion. From the very first visit Domingo wanted to know and also understand why there is so much confusiong in the world with religion. He stated that there is One Bible so why not one correct church? We shared the message of the Restoration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We testified that God called another prophet. God is a God of order. He said, ¨I know Joseph Smith is a prophet of God¨. I am so grateful for being an instrument in the Hands of the Lord in delivering this message. Now it is up to Domingo to act upon this knowledge he now knows is true. We will help him to understand that God has blessed him to know these things and He is expected to now act. Domingo believes and that will lead to action or what the Holy Bible defines as faith.