Monday, July 14, 2008
Let´s Show the Lord what He and We Already Know
The week was incredible! We taught so many people. Silvio read the chapter en El Libro de Mormon. He prayed about its truthfullness. Elder Bingham and I talked a lot about how to Approach a person on the return visit after one leaves them Moroni´s promise. We found out many things we were doing wrong in ¨that visit¨. We asked God for help to know what to do. We ended up with a completely new way of approaching someone that has just read and prayed about the book. The visit went great and not because it went perfect. There was a lot of twist and turns in the visit but since we had a plan and were prepared we were able to go along smoothly. Normally as missionaries, we are always improving our teaching and making what we have learned from others better. Thanks to the help from God, we were able to talk to Silvio and walk this path together. He will continue to pray for his answer and God does answer prayers. The more specific our question is, I am sure that the answer will be specific as well. So many other wonderful things happened this week. I hope that I can continue to understand how to show my appreciation to the Lord for all that he gives me. I hope that my actions will show Him I am grateful. He already knows that I love Him and believe in Him. He hears my prayers and I thank Him first for the things I have. Then He hears the things I need beacuse I ask Him. He does His part and puts into actions what He has promised us if we will keep His commandments. Now it is up to me to show Him what He and I already know.