Oh, and Kimberly's b day was the 23 of Jan 20yrs old!! I don't believe it!!. I really don't, ha ha. And tell Bebe happy birthday too.
30 of Jan!!
We had a great zone conference this week! I have been in Leon for a long time now. I know all the missionaries in the zone. I even know members in each rama in all the cities, ha ha. I went to
Ponferrada to work with another elder. We visited a few people. The visits were great. The elders there are working with a few families where either the husband or wife isn´t a member. You wound´t believe how much love can be seen by the spouse that is a member towards their spouse. I am also grateful being able to attend all the meeting for the branch and entire district. We are the only missionaries there because it isn´t for missionaries but since we are the leaders of the branch we go. I learn so much and how God´s Church works. They talk about missionary work from time to time. I get to help them understand what our vision is as missionaries and they let me know what I can tell the missionaries to help them out on their side of things. I mentioned it before that I assign members sacrament talks. I had never spoken in any of my other cities till Leon. Then being the one assigning the talks I thought I would not ever talk. Then I learned how things work. If a member can´t talk, then I have ready the topic they were assigned. I have spoken a few times so far already in Leon. It is such a wonderful experience. The members do so much here. My companion and I have found many new people. We have a few families we are teaching! A member moved to Leon also and so we have one more strength in the branch. As we walk all day in the streets we see and talk to many. The interesting thing is when we stop a person and then they say, ¨I am a member of the Church.¨ We always are happy to find them because we let them know that the Church exists here in the northen part of
Spain! We found Paola and have a visit set up with her. We also ran into Patricia, from
Chile, and she was super friendly. She lives in a pueblo about three hours on foot. We plan on taking a bus for that one but the reason I know it is three hours away because she had just come walking from there when we ran into her! There is also a girl named Yessi. There is an intersting story about her. I had visited Leon over a year ago and passed by her home. She would always say the missionaries could come by but was never home when they did. We I got assigned to Leon, I remember her and passed by and the same thing happened. When I got my third companion he asked about her and I told him that she does the same thing. He wanted to try anyways. I suggested when I left the area he could go back and try. When I was in another city for cambios he passed by her and ended up with a visit(like we all had before and then she never was home). I said ok and that we would go visit her. We went and she actually let us share a message with her!!! It was a humbling experience for me. It helped my faith grow. Many members that are stuggling to go to Church should always have people that care and love them enough to pass by them. As I get to call any companionshiop in the zone I hear many stories. Stories of past missionaries that passed by so and so and they never wanted anything. Then six months later(or even a year in my story) more missionaries pass by and the people want to have God back in their life. I have learned not to give up on people so easily. I have friends back home that have learned of the truth of the Restored
Gospel of Jesus Christ. Some that have stayed super strong with their
faith in God. While others are going through trials so difficult that the average person would not be able to help. I pray for them that the missionaries and members go by them to say hi. To let them know that they haven´t been forgotten but yet missed. May we ourselves also make sure our testimony is strong enough so when the day comes, we may have something to lean on. This is my testimony that I know what I have written here is true. Elder RodriguezWe Have Faith In Christ, We Have Faith That All Can Return Unto Him