Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving! Well I Now know that it isn't till the twenty seventh but that was just a few days ago. Two American elders and two Spanish elders thought it was the third Thursday of November and so did I. We were about to celebrate it this Thursday till others told us it was the fourth and we all didn't believe it. As I did a few minutes of research and found out that no matter what, it is the fourth Thursday I felt better learning a bit of Thanksgiving American history. Well many wonderful things continue to happen all around me. Our visit with Jesús was great. He wants to be baptized in December! We told him we would prepare him and that he would be ready. He continues to read the Book of Mormon. When we first met him he told us of his love for the Bible. We told him that in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints we study the Bible as well as the Book of Mormon. Even as we teach him we use many scriptures from the Holy Bible. We also have used many scriptures from the Book of Mormon. Two books that testify of God that helps any christian to better understand the ways of God. We had a District Conference where all the members in Castilla y León and Astuarias came to León. Jesús said he´d go. I went with a new elder to pick up one of his friends because he didn´t quite remember where he lived and is still getting to know the city. As we picked him up and all three of us were walking we saw the hotel where the conference was going to be held, I had a thought come to my mind. Jesús said he knew which hotel it was and I wondered if I would run into him. Something told me to turn around and before I did I heard a yell. It was my friend, Jesús, and we all went into the conference together. We were all able to hear the words of a servent of God. Elder Kearon, an Area Seventy came to speak. What a blessing it was for everyone. My mission president talked as well. He mentioned something I had recently learned and was glad to hear it again. He told me of how the life is of an Area Seventy. He said that the ones he knows are very successful in their careers. Many work many many hours Monday through Friday. Then each weekend they usually are assigned to travel. As in Elder Kearon's case he travels throughout Europe and attends a district conference like the one we had. He starts Friday after his work and then he finished up and gets home Sunday and the day is basically over for him. What a dedicated life! He bought his wife a plane ticket along with three others for his daughters. He told his wife that he couldn't afford to be away from his daughters and family for another weekend. I would have thought it was just a blessing to hear him speak. Then I re-learned of how precious their time is and the sacrifices he made to be present in León with us. In the León zone three people will be baptized this Saturday. Prudencia, Mirna, and Cecilia all have chosen to enter into a promise with their God. They will promise to keep His commandments, take upon them the name of Christ, and always remember Him. Then they receive the promise of God that they may always have His Spirit to be with them. How marvelous! They will make a promise and if they keep it then God will keep His promise and blessed will they be. I have to mention at least one more thing. I learned to love to read books at a young age. Then I stopped and didn't make the time. I then tired over the years and started many books but never seemed to finish them. Then I realize why. With the help of my cousin Valerie. She took the time to send me a letter in the mail. Even more than that, she had sent me a book mark she made. It is red and has a white shirt with a nice red tie and black suit pants. It even has a chapa! Then on the back a scripture she wanted me to read. It is well laminated and is finished with a black ribbon that leaves two perfect length ribbon strings on top. This is what I have been missing all these years. Something so simple but yet so useful. She doesn't know this but her gift helped me to read Jesus The Christ, Our Heritage, Nuestro Legado, and Our Search For Happiness all in less than a month!! I couldn't put the books down just like when I was young (and when I had to put them down I left the lovely bookmark in it's place and was able to pick up where I had left off). I found my passion again for reading great books! Thanks Valerie! My testimony of the Savior Jesus Christ has grown tremendously and of His Church on the earth today. I continue to see miracles. I continue in the work of the Lord. While more and more people become wicked there are So Many more and more people in the world that are becoming righteous. My love for everyone grows and grows, Elder Paul Rodríguez
Saturday, November 15, 2008
NEW FOTOS!!!!!!!
Well i just wanted to start putting up some more pictures that Elder Rodriguez has sent me. For some back ground to the pictures and why i have not finished uploading them...
I sent Elder Rodriguez a 16GB flash drive and he put about 8,000 pictures on there before it crashed....=(
So he has taken another 1200 pictures and i am going through them to put as many as i can so you can see how good he is doing in Spain!! So they are randomly in order but hopefully soon will be more organized...
I hope you enjoy and remember his address to write letters (yes to send him a letter in the mail) is on the right hand side of this screen. Enjoy!!

I sent Elder Rodriguez a 16GB flash drive and he put about 8,000 pictures on there before it crashed....=(
So he has taken another 1200 pictures and i am going through them to put as many as i can so you can see how good he is doing in Spain!! So they are randomly in order but hopefully soon will be more organized...
I hope you enjoy and remember his address to write letters (yes to send him a letter in the mail) is on the right hand side of this screen. Enjoy!!

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